#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-


(C) 2005 by Damir Cavar <dcavar@indiana.edu>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

import sys, string, glob, os.path, math, codecs
from stattools import sortNgrams, puncTrim, getWordList, getTokens, getBigrams, rF

def RE(bigramprob, token2p, token1p):
   """Returns the Relative Entropy.
      Relative entropy is P1*log2(P1/P2) where here P1 is P(rightword)
      and P2 is P(right word | left word)."""
   return token1p * math.log(token1p/(bigramprob/token2p), 2)

def MI(bigram, bigramprob, tokens, tokencount):
   """Returns the mutual information for bigrams.
      MI = P(XY|X) log2 ( P(XY) / P(X) P(Y) )
      P(XY|X) = num of bigrams XY over num bigrams with X left
   if tokens.has_key(bigram[0]):
      px = float(tokens[bigram[0]])/float(tokencount)
      px = 0.0
   if tokens.has_key(bigram[1]):
      py = float(tokens[bigram[1]])/float(tokencount)
      py = 0.0
   if py == 0.0 or px == 0.0:
      return 0.0
   return bigramprob * math.log(bigramprob/(px * py) , 2)

if __name__ == "__main__":
   bigrams     = {}  # bigram as key, frequency as value
   tokens      = {}  # token as key, frequency as value
   tokencount  = 0   # number of tokens
   bigramcount = 0   # number of bigrams

   for i in sys.argv[1:]:
      for x in glob.glob(os.path.normcase(i)):
            file = open(x, "r")
            for i in file.readlines():
               i = string.lower(string.strip(i))
               if i == "":
               wordlist = getWordList(i)
               bigrams, bigramcount = getBigrams(wordlist, bigrams, bigramcount)
               tokens, tokencount = getTokens(wordlist, tokens, tokencount)
         except IOError:

   print "Got total:\nBigrams: " + str(bigramcount) + "\nTokens: " + str(tokencount)
   print "Bigram\tFrequency\tRelative Frequency\tMutual Information\tRelative Entropy"
   for i in sortNgrams(bigrams):
      rf   = float(i[1])/float(bigramcount)
      print "%s\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f" % (" ".join(i[0]), i[1], rf, \
      MI(i[0], rf, tokens, tokencount), \
      RE(rf, rF(tokens[i[0][0]], tokencount), rF(tokens[i[0][1]], tokencount)))