Presentations / Talks
- Webinar on NLP, AI, LLMs for social media content processing, antisemitism, and hate-speech coming up in October 2024. See also project website and GitHub repo with notes and code
- Damir Cavar, Zoran Tiganj, Ludovic Mompelat, Billy Dickson (2024) Computing Ellipsis Constructions: Comparing Classical NLP and LLM Approaches. Paper presented at the 2024 Meeting of the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL).
- Van Holthenrichs, Damir Cavar, Zoran Tiganj, Billy Dickson (2024) On Ellipsis in Slavic: The Ellipsis Corpus and Natural Language Processing Results. Paper presented at The 33rd Annual Meeting of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics. Halifax, Canada. (abstract, slides)
- Damir Cavar, Ludovic Mompelat, Muhammad S. Abdo (2024) The Hoosier Ellipsis Corpus (HELC): Documenting Linguistic Dark Matter. Poster presented at the Midwest Speech and Language Days at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, April 15-16, 2024. (poster)
- Muhammad S. Abdo, Damir Cavar (2024) The Hosiers Ellipsis Corpus: Building a Corpus of Ellipsis for Arabic Natural Language Processing. Poster presented at the Midwest Speech and Language Days at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, April 15-16, 2024. (poster)
- Damir Cavar, Chi Zhang, Koushik Reddy Parukola (2024) Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) (2024) Presentation at the Quantum Day 2024 Seminar Series, organized by Quantum Technologies for Everyone (QuTE) at Indiana University Bloomington, April 14th 2024.
- Quantum-Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) (2024) Presentation at the CQT - Center for Quantum Technologies, NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) Year 2, Phase I, Spring 2024 Industry Advisory Board Meeting, April 3-4, 2024, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN.
- Quantum Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning (2024) NLP-Lab poster. Luddy-Crane Summit on March 29, 2024 at Indiana University Bloomington.
- Generative AI and Knowledge Representations (2024) NLP-Lab poster. Luddy-Crane Summit on March 29, 2024 at Indiana University Bloomington.
- Damir Cavar. (2024) The Great NLP and AI Swindle: Why State-of-the-art AI Technologies Still Fail(?). Language Processing Brown Bag, Indiana University, February 5th, 2024. (slides)
- Damir Cavar, Muhammad S. Abdo, and Billy Dickson (2024) Ellipsis in Arabic: Using Machine Learning to Detect and Predict Elided Words. Paper presented at the Arabic Linguistic Society (ASAL) 37 Conference, February 2024, New York City.
- Damir Cavar, Ludovic V. Mompelat, Muhammad S. Abdo (2024) The Typology of Ellipsis: A Corpus for Linguistic Analysis and Machine Learning Applications. Paper to be presented at the ACL Special Interest Group on Typology (SIGTYP) 2024, colocated with the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, St Julian’s, Malta. (slides, video summary, full paper)
- Understanding Ellipsis in Language: A Comparative Analysis of SOTA NLP and Large Language Models, Cognitive Science Lunch talk at Indiana University at Bloomington, October 2023.
- Artificial Intelligence and Entertainment Webinar, organized by Gotham Group, Los Angeles.
- Distributed Deletion, Syntax, and Knowledge Representation (2023) Paper presented at the Gisbert Fanselow’s Contributions to Syntactic Theory and GGS 47, Berlin, Germany.
- Automated Hate Speech Detection - The Importance of Precise Datasets Including a Calling-Out-Bias Label, (2023) Poster presented at the Indiana University AI Day, Bloomington, Indiana.
- On tense interpretation in Croatian, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian: A corpus study and computational model. Paper presented at the 17th Slavic Linguistic Society Annual Meeting in Sapporo, Japan.
- Event Sequencing Annotation with TIE-ML, Paper presented at the The Eighteenth Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-18), co-located with the LREC 2022, Marseille, France. (paper)
- On Knowledge Representations and Reasoning for AIs using Deep NLP and Description Logic. Doctoral Research Forum of Informatics, Indiana University, SICE. Nov. 2nd, 2019.
- Lexical semantic variation in some South-Slavic languages using computational distributional semantics models. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS-14) in Potsdam, Germany. Sept. 2019.
- Information Extraction and Knowledge Graphs, NLP and AI. Presentation at the Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance office in Indianapolis. Sept. 24th, 2019.
- On Knowledge Representations and Reasoning for AIs using Deep NLP and Description Logic. Indiana University, Department of Linguistics Colloquium, Bloomington, IN. Sept. 20th, 2019.
- together with Elain Monaghan: Mapping News Article Content to Knowledge and Event Graph Representations for Validation and Reasoning. “Media Ethics: Human Ecology in a Connected World” 20th annual convention of the Media Ecology Association, Toronto, (26) 27-30 June.
- On Natural Language Processing Technologies for Text to Knowledge Representations. Paper presented at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). Palo Alto, CA. June 12th, 2019.
- together with the students from the NLP-Lab: Generating Dynamic Knowledge Graphs from Text using Deep and Broad NLP. Paper presented at the Midwest Speech and Language Days 2019. Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. May 3rd, 2019
- together with the students from the NLP-Lab: Unification and Standardization of NLP-pipelines for Computational Semantics using Scalable Microservices. Poster presented at the Midwest Speech and Language Days 2019. Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. May 3rd, 2019.
- Deep and Broad NLP for Big Data and Knowledge Graph Generation, paper presented at the Data Science Colloquium at the School of Informatics, Computation and Engineering at Indiana University, March 22nd, 2019.
- Semantic Information Extraction and Generation of Dynamic Knowledge Graphs. Paper presented at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Feb. 25, 2019.
- Damir Cavar (2018) Knowledge Graph Learning and Open IE. Colloquium in the Tufts Computer Science Department. Boston, MA. Sept. 30th, 2018
- Damir Cavar (2018) Natural Language Processing in Data Science. Data Science Meets Social Science workshop at Indiana University, Sept. 2018.
- Damir Cavar (2018) OpenIE to Knowledge Graphs for Semantic Search and Deep Content Analysis. Paper presented August 28th in the Research Colloquium of Fil Menzer’s lab, Informatics, Indiana University.
- Damir Cavar (2018) Chatbots and NLP. Paper presented at the ICWSM-18 Workshop on Chatbot,
The 12th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Stanford University, June 2018.
- Damir Cavar, Joshua Herring, Anthony Meyer (2018) Case Law Analysis using Deep NLP and Knowledge Graphs. Paper presented at the 1st Workshop on Language Resources and Technologies for the Legal Knowledge Graph (LegalKG), LREC 2018, in Miyazaki, Japan.
- Damir Cavar, Matt Josefy (2018) Mapping Deep NLP to Knowledge Graphs: An Enhanced Approach to Analyzing Corporate Filings with Regulators. Paper presented at The First Financial Narrative Processing Workshop (FNP 2018), LREC 2018 in Miyazaki, Japan. (download extended abstract)
- Mapping Deep NLP to Knowledge Graphs: An Enhanced Approach to Analyzing Corporate Filings with Regulators. Paper presented at the The First Financial Narrative Processing Workshop (FNP 2018), LREC 2018 in Miyazaki, Japan. May 7th 2018.
- Computational Semantics and Computational Pragmatics in NLP for Professional Domain Sublanguage: Processing Medical Language. Paper presented at the CHSR WIP, Indiana University, School of Medicine. November 13th 2017.
- The Free Linguistic Environment: High-performance Deep and Broad Coverage Multi-lingual NLP. Paper presented in the Intelligent & Interactive Systems Talk Series at the School of Informatics and Computation, Indiana University. April 24th 2017.
- The Free Linguistic Environment: Theoretical Concepts and Basic Architecture. Paper presented at Cornell University, March 30th 2017
- Speech Copora and Technologies for Yiddish (on the AHYEM Project). Joint work with Malgorzata E. Cavar, Dov-Ber Kerler, and Anya Quilitzsch. Paper presented at the Linguistics Research Center, the Texas Language Center, and the Department of Germanic Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Feb. 23rd 2017. See announcement, other announcement
- An infrastructure for Global Open Resources and Information for Language and Linguistic Analysis (GORILLA). Paper presented at the University of North Texas in Denton. Feb. 9th 2017.
- On the Free Linguistic Environment: Parsing and Corpus Annotation. Joint work with Lwin Moe and Hai Hu. Paper presented at the 15th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories at Indiana University, Bloomington.
- On Recursion. Cognitive Science Colloquium, Indiana University, Nov. 16th 2016, Bloomington, Indiana.
- On Split Islands. 11th Slavic Linguistic Society Annual Meeting. Sept. 24th 2016. Toronto, Canada.
- Preliminary Results from the Free Linguistic Environment Project. Paper presented at the HeadLex16, 24.–29. July 2016, Warsaw, Poland. (slides, YouTube video) See also: FLE.
- Plenary panel that sets out needs/issues from four perspectives. Tools & Methods Summit, University of Melbourne, Australia, 1st-3rd of June 2016. See also program.
- Generating speech tools and corpora for unwritten endangered languages: Chatino. Paper presented at the
& Methods Summit, University of Melbourne, Australia, 1st-3rd of June 2016.
See also program.
- Bridging between Documentary Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Theoretical Linguistics, and NLP.
Paper presented at the Tools
& Methods Summit, University of Melbourne, Australia, 1st-3rd of June 2016.
See also program.
- Concept and work behind GORILLA. Paper presented at the Tools
& Methods Summit, University of
Melbourne, Australia, 1st-3rd of June, 2016. See also program, GORILLA
- On the Role of Linked Open Language Data for Language Documentation, Linguistic Research, and Speech and Language Technologies. Keynote presentation at the LDL-2016, 5th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Managing, Building and Using Linked Language Resources, LREC 2016, Portorož, Slovenia. May 2016.
- Endangered Language Documentation: Bootstrapping a Chatino Speech Corpus, Forced Aligner, ASR. LREC 2016, Portorož, Slovenia. Together with Małgorzata E. Ćavar and Hilaria Cruz. May 2016. See also: GORILLA
- Global Open Resources and Information for Language and Linguistic Analysis (GORILLA). LREC 2016, Portorož, Slovenia. Together with Małgorzata E. Ćavar and Lwin Moe. May 2016. See also: GORILLA
- Generating a Yiddish Speech Corpus, Forced Aligner and Basic ASR System for the AHEYM Project. LREC 2016, Portorož, Slovenia. Together with Małgorzata E. Ćavar, Dov-Ber Kerler, Anya Quilitsch. May 2016. See also: AHEYM, GORILLA
- The Free Linguistic Environment. Natural Language Processing Seminar, Linguistic Engineering Group at the Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (ICS PAS), Warsaw, Poland. May 23rd 2016. See also: FLE.
- Bootstrapping resources for under-resourced languages: Speech corpora and technologies for the languages of the Balkans. 20th Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics. University of Utah, April 2016. See also: GORILLA
- The Free Linguistic Environment (FLE): Theoretical Concepts and Basic Architecture. Together with Lwin Moe. ClingDing, Department of Linguistics, Indiana University, April 2016. See also: FLE.
- The General Ontology for Linguistic Description (GOLD) and its Role for Digital Language Resources and Language Technology. Workshop “Development of Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD) Resources for Collaborative Data-Intensive Research in the Language Sciences“, LSA Summer Institute 2015, Chicago, IL. Together with Malgorzata E. Cavar (Indiana University). Invited presentation. July 2015. See also: GOLD.
- Documenting Endangered Languages by Developing Speech-Corpora and ASRs: Crow, Hidatsa, Mandan. Together with Malgorzata E. Cavar (Indiana), Wilhelm Meya (TLC), John Boyle (CSU Fresno). Midwest Speech and Language Days (MSLD) 2015, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago.
- Enabling Resources in Digital Language Archives using Automatic Speech Recognition. Together with Malgorzata E. Cavar, Lwin Moe, Aaron Albin. Midwest Speech and Language Days (MSLD) 2015, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago.
- On Split Islands. Department of Linguistics, Indiana University. April 2015.
- Automatically Annotated Repository of Digital Video and Audio Resources Community (AARDVARC). Presentation at the ClingDing meeting, Department of Linguistics, Indiana University, together with Malgosia E. Cavar, July 2014. See also: AARDVARC.
- Morphological grammars and computational analyzer/generators for the documentation of indigenous/endangered languages of the world. Poster presented at the Morphology Fest at Indiana University, Department of Linguistics, together with U. Kazagashewa, M. Mueller, Malgosia E. Cavar, A. Lamont, S. Fox June 20th, 2014.
- Technologies for Bootstrapping of Linguistically Annotated Text Collections with TEI XML Markup. Paper
presented at the University of North Texas, Computer Science and Linguistics, together with Malgosia E. Cavar,
February 2014.
- The LINGUIST List Now and Then. Paper presented at the University of North Texas, Computer Science and
Linguistics, together with Malgosia E. Cavar, February 2014.
- Online visualization of research in historical linguistics. Poster presented at the LSA Annual Meeting
2014 in Minneapolis, MN. Together with Malgosia E. Cavar, S. Couture, U.
Kazagasheva, E. Benzschawel, January 2014.
- Urban fieldwork, evolution and languages in cities. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of
the Arts of the Present ASAP/5: Arts of the City Conference, together with Malgosia E. Cavar. Wayne State University, October 3rd-6th, 2013.
- Bootstrapping large text corpora with TEI XML markup and linguistic annotation. Together with Malgosia E. Cavar. Chicago Colloquium on Digital
Humanities and Computer Science. The University of Chicago. 19th of November 2012.
- Automatic Linguistic Annotation with TEI-Output. TEI 2012 Conference at Texas A&M, College Station. 9th of November 2012.
- The LINGUIST List Corpus: A Large Mailing List Corpus – Management, Annotation and Repository.
Together with Malgorzata E. Cavar, Helen Dry Aristar, and Anthony
TEI 2012 Conference at Texas A&M, College
Station. 9th of November 2012.
- The Project Gutenberg book archive as a TEI P5 XML text
corpus. Together with Malgorzata E. Cavar. TEI 2012 Conference at Texas
A&M, College Station. 10th of November 2012.
- Dynamic Professional Content Corpora and New Technologies. Wayne State University, 19th of
October 2012.
- Large Mailing List Corpora: Management, Annotation and Repository. Together with Helen Aristar-Dry and
Anthony Aristar. LREC 2012 Workshop on Challenges in the management of large
corpora, Istanbul, 22nd of May, 2012.
- Sprachtechnologie und Sprachdokumentation: Eine Darstellung von Projekten des Heimatinstituts der LINGUIST
List. Institut für
Sprache, Mannheim. 8th of May, 2012.
- Bootstrapping NLP and MT Resources for under-resourced languages. Crosslingual Language Technology in service of an integrated
multilingual Europe - 20 years on-. University of Hamburg, Germany, 4-5 May 2012.
- Ein Grundgerüst für eine Morphologie und eine Grammatik des Litauischen in LFG. (abstract and poster) (“A base for a morphology and grammar of Lithuanian in the Lexical-functional Grammar Framework - LFG”) Poster presented at the Section of Computational Linguistics at the DGfS Annual Meeting in March 2012 (Download poster). Joint work with Juliane Arenz, Justina Bacytė, Bettina Grabert, Fatih Korkmaz, Anja Leiderer, Michael Pollich, Volker Rehberg, Burkhard Rosemann.
- On Split Islands. Presented at the Syntax/Semantics Discussion Group Meeting in the Linguistics Department at the University of Michigan. 20th of Jan. 2012. (Abstract, Handout)
- Cyclicity and Opacity Effects in the Prosody of Two Different Clitic Classes in New Shtokavian
Variants. (Abstract, Slides) Presented at: Ilse Lehiste Memorial Symposium (Program). Together
Malgorzata E. Cavar. 11th of November
- Clitic Placement, Syntactic
Discontinuity, and information structure. With Melanie Seiß. (Handout, Slides) LFG 2011, Hong Kong. 17th of July
- The Scheme Natural Language Toolkit (S-NLTK): NLP Library for R6RS and
Racket. 4th European Lisp Symposium, Special Focus on
Parallelism & Efficiency, TUHH, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany, 1st of April 2011.
- >No Escape from Clitics in Neo-Shtokavian: Contributions to the syntax and prosody of enclitic auxiliaries
and pronouns, Research Colloquium, Linguistics
Dept., University of Konstanz, 13th of
Jan. 2011
- Some notes on TEI in Linguistics. Plenary session: TEI 2010 (Annual meeting of the Text Encoding Initiative), University of Zadar, 13th of Nov. 2010
- Riznica: The Croatian Language Corpus. Presented by, and together with Dunja Brozović Rončević, SLAVICORP Workshop, University of Warsaw, Poland, 22nd–24th of November 2010
- O indukciji gramatike: računalni i statistički modeli usvajanja jezika (“On grammar induction:
Computational and statistical models of language acquisition”). Research colloquium “
Lingvistička srida,” University of Zadar, 25th of Feb. 2010
- Morfološka analiza i lematizacija hrvatskog jezika na konačnim
automatima (“Morphological analysis and lemmatization of Croatian using Finite State Automata”),
Research Colloquium,
Zadarska lingvistička Srida, University of Zadar, 19th of Nov. 2009
- Frequency correlations in processing, familiarity, and language usage data of clitics in Croatian.
Together with Tomislav Frleta, SLS 2009, 4th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistic Society, 3rd-6th
of September 2009
- Empirical evidence for the functional determiner projection in Croatian. Together with Matea Birtić,
SLS 2009, 4th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistic Society, 3rd-6th of
September 2009
- On bootstrapping of linguistic features for bootstrapping grammars. EACL 2009 workshop Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical
Inference, Athens (Greece) 30th of March 2009
- On the induction of linguistic categories and learning grammars. 10. Workshop in Szklarska Poreba (Poland), 12th of March 2009
- Red riječi u hrvatskim govorima: empirijski pristup padežima. Zadarska lingvistička srida, Zadar, 10th of March 2009
- Formalni modeli i Računalna obrada jezika. PhD program in linguistics at the Philosophical Faculty of the University in Osijek. 7th of March 2009
- Nova generacija računalne obrade jezika. Developers User Group Split, 34. Skup IT profesionalaca, Split, Croatia, 22nd of January 2009
- Some Quantitive and Qualitative Aspects of Nominal Case in Croatian. Second Croatian Syntax Days, Osijek, Croatia, 13.-15. November 2008
- Interoperability and Rapid Bootstrapping of Morphological Parsing and Annotation Automata. IS-LTC 08,
Ljubljana, Slovenia. 16.-17. October 2008
- CroMo - Morphological Analysis for Standard Croatian and its Synchronic and Diachronic Dialects and
Variants. FSMNLP 2008, Ispra, Lago Maggiore, Italy, 11.-12. of September 2008. (slides in PDF, poster in PDF)
- Struktura i razvoj baze podataka za potrebe projekta „Hrvatsko strukovno nazivlje - projekt
koordinacije“, Poletna Terminološka Šola, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 4.-9. of Sept. 2008.
- On Grammar induction, Language Models, and Language Evolution Simulations. PsychoCompLA 2008, at the
CogSci 2008, Washington DC, 23.-24. of July 2008.
- Machine learning systems as models for natural language grammar acquisition? University of Nova Gorica,
Slovenia. 20th of February, 2008.
- The Croatian Language Repository: Quantitative and Qualitative Resources for Linguistic Research and
Language Technologies. Eastern Michigan University, Institute for Language Information and Technology
(ILIT). 31st of January, 2008.
- The Croatian Language Repository: Quantitative and Qualitative Resources for Linguistic Research and Language Technologies. Indiana University, Linguistics Dept. 29th of January, 2008.
- Modelle dynamischer Eigenschaften von Sprachen und ihre Anwendungen, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 04/27/2007.
- Dynamische und lernende Sprachmodelle. University of Bochum, Germany, 04/26/2007.
- Dynamic Language Models. JOTA, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 03/29/2007
- Inducing Lexical Properties with Probabilistic Methods. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. 08/11/2006
- Das Korpus der kroatischen Sprache: Hrvatska jezična mrežna riznica. (The Croatian Language
Corpus/Hrvatski jezični korpus). University of Graz, Austria. 06/19/2006
- About Clitics in Croatian: Myths, and Fairy-tales. Together with Dunja Brozović-Rončević, at the
conference Hrvatski sintaktički dani (Croatian Syntax Days) at the University of Osijek, Croatia. 05/11/2006
- Parsing Croatian. Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics, Zagreb, Croatia. 04/01/2006
- Inducing Syntactic Properties of Lexical Elements via Information Theoretic Measures. Together with
Paul Rodrigues and Giancarlo Schrementi. Workshop on Computational Modeling of Lexical Acquisition: The Split
Meeting. Split, Croatia. 07/25-28/2005.
- Using Morphological and Distributional Cues for Inductive Part-of-Speech Tagging. The Second Midwest
Computational Linguistics Colloquium (MCLC-2005), Columbus, OH, The Ohio State University. 05/15/2005.
- Unsupervised morphology induction for part-of-speech tagging. The 29th Penn Linguistics Colloquium.
- Constraint-based Cue-learning and cue-based language acquisition. Workshop on Approaches to Empirical
Syntax/WOTS-8, Berlin, Germany. 08/28/2004
- Alignment-Based Induction of Morphology Grammar and its Role for Bootstrapping. The 9th conference on
Formal Grammar: FGNancy, Nancy, France. 08/08/2004
- Computationale Modellierung des Spracherwerbs: Wieviel kann man über natürliche Sprache von der
Sprache selbst lernen? Center for Computing Technologies (TZI), University of Bremen, Germany. 07/08/2004
- Syntactic Parsing Using Mutual Information and Relative Entropy. Midwest Computational Linguistics
Colloquium (MCLC), Bloomington, Indiana. 06/25/2004
- Unsupervised Grammar Induction. Cognitive Science Colloquium, Psychology Department, Indiana
University, Bloomington, Indiana. 06/02/2004
- On unsupervised grammar induction from untagged corpora. Poznań Linguistics Meeting 2004, Poznań,
Poland. 05/19/2004
- Computational Modeling of Language Acquisition. Linguistics Colloquium, University of Potsdam, Germany.
- Computational Modeling of Language Acquisition. Psycholinguistics Suppers, CUNY Graduate Center, New
York. 05/04/2004
- Cognitive Aspects of Language Acquisition and Processing. Sveučilište u Splitu (University of
Split), Croatian Applied Linguistics Association. 03/17/2004
- Lexicology and Corpus Linguistics. Sveučilište u Splitu, Anglistika (University of Split,
English Department). 03/16/2004
- Computational Aspects of Language Acquisition. The University of Arizona, Tucson. 03/04/2003
- Cue-based bootstrapping: Computational Aspects of Language Acquisition. Indiana University,
Bloomington. 01/29/2003
- AMEWS - Automatic Metatagging Engine for SemanticWeb with WebService Architecture. University of
California (UCLA), Los Angeles. 10/29/2002
- A Real Live Web Service using Semantic Web Technologies: Automatic Generation of Meta-Information.
Conf.: “On The Move Towards Meaningful Internet Systems” (DOA, ODBASE, CoopIS’02). Irvine, California.
- AMEWS - Automatic Metatagging Engine for SemanticWeb with WebService Architecture. Indiana University,
Bloomington: Linguistics Colloqium. 09/13/2002
- Automatic Generation of Metatags for Intra-Semantic-Web. XSW 2002 Workshop (Semantic Web), Humboldt
Universität Berlin. 06/26/2002
- Zur Rolle von “semantischen Netzen” für das Wissensmanagement (On the role of semantic nets for
knowledge management). AIK-Symposium on Semantic Web, University of Karlsruhe. 04/19/2002
- Natürlichsprachliche Systeme für das Wissensmanagement (Natural language systems for
knowledge management). Kolloqium, University of Potsdam. 04/16/2002
- Distributed Deletion. Kolloqium (Prof.Dr. Günther Grewendorf ) Universität Frankfurt a.M.
Jan. 2002
- Optimizing knowledge mining in the e-back-office. Euromap e2001 conference in Venice. Session
Opportunities for language technology in multilingual e-markets. Chairperson: Hanne Fersøe, Center for
Sprogteknologi, Denmark. 10/19/2001
- Digital Dictionary of the 20th Century German Language. Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy
of Sciences. Joint work with Alexander Geyken (BBAW). Warsaw, Poland. 02/26/2001
- Digital Dictionary of the 20th Century German Language. Jezikoslovne Tehnologije za Slovenski Jezik, JS
2000. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 10/17/2000
- Klitikpositionen, diskontinuierliche Konstituenten und andere Wortunordnungen im Slavischen. (Clitic
positions, discontinuous constituents and other word-diss-orders in Slavic) SlavGG Meeting, University of
Leipzig. 07/15/2000
- Split Constituents. Workshop “Conflicting Rules in Phonology and Syntax”, University of Potsdam. Joint
work with: Gisbert Fanselow. 12/17/1999
- Discontinuous Constituents in Slavic and Germanic. Drugi Hrvatski Slavistički Kongres (Second Croatian
Slavic Congres) in Osijeku, Croatia. Joint work with: Gisbert Fanselow. 09/18/1999
- End-to-End Evaluation ‘99-1. Verbmobil Projektlenkungssitzung, Daimler-Chrysler Center in Stuttgart.
- Discontinuous Constituents. Poznań Linguistics Meeting. Poznań, Poland. 05/01/1999
- End-to-End Evaluation in Verbmobil. Verbmobil Projektlenkungssitzung in Aachen. 12/07/1998
- Klitike u Hrvatskom Jeziku (Clitics in Croatian). Institut za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje (Institute
for Croatian language and linguistics), Zagreb, Croatia. 10/09/1998
- Verbmobil: A Speech-to-Speech Translation System. Institut za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje (Institute
for Croatian language and linguistics), Zagreb, Croatia. 10/08/1998
- Verbmobil: A Speech-to-Speech Translation System. Jezikovne Tehnologije za Slovenski Jezik (JS) ‘98
(Language technologies for the Slovenian language), Ljubljana, Slovenia. 10/06/1998
- Autonomy and Look-ahead: Interface phenomena in Croatian. University of Tübingen. 05/25/1998
- End-to-End Evaluation of Verbmobil. Verbmobil Projektlenkungssitzung, Bonn (D). 05/11/1998
- Split Constituents: A Comparison between Germanic and Slavic. PLM: 31st Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PL). 05/1.-2./1998
- Verb Movement and Coordination. FDSL 2, University of Potsdam, joint work with: Chris Wilder. 11/20.-22./1997
- Interface Phenomena in Slavic: Polish and Croatian Cliticization. FDSL 2, University of Potsdam.
- Children’s Sensitivity to Word-Order Variations in German: Evidence for Very Early Parameter Setting.
Boston University Conference on Language Development (USA), joint work with: Juergen Weissenborn, Barbara Hoehle,
Dorothea Kiefer. 11/07.-09./1996
- Split Constituents in Germanic and Slavic. International Conference on Pied-Piping, Universitaet
Jena (D), joint work with: Gisbert Fanselow. 05/30/1997
- On the Syntactic and Phonological Properties of Enclitic Categories in Slavic. PLM: 30th Poznań
Linguistic Meeting (Poland), AG: Reductionist Approaches to Syntax and Descriptive Adequacy (Jacek Witkoś).
- On the Syntax and Phonology of Clitics in Slavic. 19. DGfS Jahrestagung in Düsseldorf (D), AG: Die
Interaktion grammatischer Teilbereiche (Katharina Hartmann & Daniel Büring). 02/24/1997
- On Clitics and Split Consituents. Zentrum für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin (D),
Sprachwissenschaftliches Kolloqium. 02/18/1997
- Interface Phenomena in Croatian and Polish. University of Leipzig (D). 11/27/1996
- Fruehe Syntaktische Wissensstrukturen: Kontinuitaet und Oekonomie (Early syntactic
knowledge structures: continuity and economy). Annual meeting of the RULE group, Groß Dölln (D),
(PANNONIA Hotel Döllnsee), Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science. 10/11/1996
- Fruehe Syntaktische Wissensstrukturen: Kontinuitaet und Oekonomie (Early syntactic
knowledge structures: continuity and economy). Workshop: TROPICS, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der
Wissenschaften, joint work with: Juergen Weissenborn, Barbara Höhle, Dorothea Kiefer. 09/28/1996
- Weissenborn, J., Höhle, B., Kiefer, D. & Cavar, D. On the Structure of Tacit Syntactic Knowledge:
Continuity and Economy. Conference: Approaches to Bootstrapping in Early Language Development,
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1996.
- Facing the Interface: On the Properties of “Deficient Elements” in South-Slavic. Third Summer School in
Generative Linguistics, Palacky Univerzitet Olomouc (Czech Republic). 08/22/1996
- On Clitics in Croatian: More Syntax than Prosody! Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin e.V., Zentrum
für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Typologie und Universalienforschung (ZAS), Workshop on the Syntax,
Morphology and Phonology of Clitics. 05/26.-27/1996
- Auxiliaries in Serbian/Croatian and English. FDSL 1, University of Leipzig (D). Dec. 1995
- Minimalistische Bewegung (Minimalistic Movement). University of Regensburg (D), 12/15/1993
- Triggers & Economy. Universität Wuppertal (D). 11/12/1993
- Pronominal and Verbal Clitics in Croatian. University of Durham (UK), EUROTYP Clitics Meeting. 10/17/1993
- Pronominal and Verbal Clitics in Croatian. SOAS, London (UK) (School of Oriental and African Studies).
- Verbale und pronominale Klitika (Verbal and pronominal clitics). Universitaet zu Koeln (D), GGS. 07/10/1993
- Ein Konzept fuer MultiMedia im Sprachunterricht am Beispiel des Japanischen (A concept for multimedia in 2nd language teaching on the basis of Japanese). Muenchen (D), MediaNet, Universitaet Frankfurt a.M. 07/09/1993
- Wortstellungsvariation, Verbbewegung und Ökonomie-Prinzipien (Wordorder variation, verb movement and economy principles). Universitaet Stuttgart (D). 06/24/1993
- Verbs and Clitics in Croatian. Université de Genève (CH), Clitic Workshop. 06/01/1993
- Verbs and Clitics in Croatian. Rijksuniversitet Groningen (NL). 05/28/1993
- X0-Bewegung und Oekonomie* (X0-movement and economy). DGfS annual meeting, University of Jena (D), Workshop: Wortordnung (word order). 03/03/1993
- X0-Bewegung und Oekonomie* (X0-movement and economy). Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften e.V., Arbeitsgruppe Strukturelle Grammatik an der Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin. 11/17/1992
- Long Head Movement? Verb-Movement and Cliticization in Croatian. University of Regensburg (D), GGS. 02/01/1992